Hochmuth Bootsbau AG | www.hochmuth.ch | info@hochmuth.ch

Sting 485 S
CHF 17'916

Ce bateau vous plaît?

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Longueur4.88 m
Largeur2.05 m
MatériauPlastique à renfort de verre PRV
Type de moteur
Fabricant de moteur
Puissance du moteur
Nombre de personnes admis5


NEW BOAT TO ORDER Sting 485 S is a practical walkaround for you who use the boat for shorter trips in the archipelago. The 485 S is designed to make it easier for you to enter and leave the boat, while at the same time provide easier loading and unloading with its wide bow and wide floor space. Next to the console on the port side you will find the main passage from the bow to the stern and you may also pass the console on the starboard side. The console has a high and wide windscreen, shielding you from weather and wind. The console can be tilted, giving you access to a practical stowing compartment beneath the console itself. Sting 485 S can be delivered with a navigation monitor for easier navigation, and the engine instrumentation is located for an easy overview. The backrest of the drivers seat can be moved back and forth, making it possible to sit facing the stern when the boat is stationary and you have passengers with you. Basic price without engine, incl. 8.1% VAT, ex works = CHF 17'242.00 We are at your disposal for further information and information on the extensive list of options.


Stansstad, CH

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