Hochmuth Bootsbau AG | www.hochmuth.ch | info@hochmuth.ch

Sting 530 S
CHF 211'944

Ce bateau vous plaît?

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Longueur5.30 m
Largeur2.15 m
MatériauPlastique à renfort de verre PRV
Type de moteur
Fabricant de moteur
Puissance du moteur
Nombre de personnes admis6


NEW BOAT TO ORDER Sting 530S is a practical and solid walk-around boat, well suited for trips in the local and regional archipelago. The boat is characterized by the practical solutions, typical of a Sting, and gives you carefree days at sea. The hull takes the sea lightly while keeping you dry from sea spray. The bow in the 530 S has a wide entry, with a smart bow hatch that is comfortable to step on. The bow hatch hides a storage space for mooring ropes. Two steps take you down to the boat flooring, which is wide spacious. The seating in the bow is comfortable with solid cushions. You can also order your Sting 530 S with a bow sunbed. Basic price without engine, incl. 8.1% VAT, ex works = CHF 21'161.00 We are at your disposal for further information and information on the extensive list of options.


Stansstad, CH

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