Marex Dealer and Salesman of the Year

We did it again! Once again, we have been awarded the title of “Marex Dealer of the Year”!
At the “boot Düsseldorf” we were once again honoured as “Marex Dealer of the Year” and the prize for the “Salesman of the Year”. This award is given to the dealer who sold the most Marex models worldwide last year. A recognition that fills us with great pride.
But above all, a huge thank you goes to you, our loyal customers! Your trust and loyalty mean an incredible amount to us!

“boot” Düsseldorf 2025

A visit to the “boot” in Düsseldorf is particularly worthwhile this year. This year’s “boot” will take place from 18 – 26 January 2025 and we are right in the middle of it.

Marex, the traditional shipyard from Norway, is using the “boot” for the premiere of the second version of the Marex 440. Interested visitors can marvel at the deck layout of the Scandinavia version for the first time. Almost the entire model series will also be on display.

Beneteau also presents a wide portfolio of models between 6 and 20 meters – from open and closed pleasure boats for fishing and water sports to the impressive Swift Trawler, Monte Carlo and Gran Turismo lines.

We will also be represented at the booth of the Austrian electric boat manufacturer Marian and offer you information about the versatile Parker model range. Our appearance is rounded off by Four Winns, where the focus is on bowriders with high performance and riding fun.

We would be happy to welcome you with a friendly “Grüezi” in Düsseldorf.
We are happy to accept appointments via .

Betriebsferien 18.12.2024 – 05.01.2025

Wir blicken auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr zurück und nehmen uns eine wohlverdiente Auszeit. Unser Betrieb bleibt vom 18. Dezember 2024 bis einschließlich 5. Januar 2025 geschlossen. Ab dem 6. Januar 2025 stehen wir Ihnen wieder wie gewohnt zur Verfügung.

Wir möchten diese Gelegenheit gerne nutzen, um uns für Ihr Vertrauen zu bedanken und wünschen allen frohe Festtage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Best of Boats Award 2024 goes to the Marex 440 Gourmet Cruiser

The Marex 440 Gourmet Cruiser has won the Best of Boats Award 2024 in the “Best for Family” category. Particular emphasis was placed on the safety features for children, as well as the generous space and amenities on board, which are suitable for long journeys. The Best of Boats Award is a major international award for motorboats, awarded annually by a panel of editors and experts who have extensive experience as boat testers and have a special interest in the practical needs of boaters. The award ceremony took place on 28 November in Berlin as part of the Boat & Fun Berlin trade fair. CEO Espen Aalrud of Marex Boats expressed his delight at the recognition of the work of the entire team.

19. & 20. Oktober, Präsentation der Neuheiten 2025 und Herbstausstellung

From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Kanalstrasse 15 in 6362 Stansstad

This year, our autumn exhibition will once again be dedicated to Let’s boat ( This event offers you the unique opportunity to experience the diversity of the shipyards around Lake Lucerne up close.

We are pleased to present you our versatile range of models. Here you will find almost the complete lineup of the renowned brands Marex and Windy, which are known for their high-quality and innovative boats. In addition, we offer an impressive selection of new boats from the prestigious brands Beneteau, FIM, Four Winns, Hydrolift, Marian, Nordkapp and Parker. These brands are synonymous with quality, performance and attractive design, so you can be sure to find a boat that meets your needs and desires. Also on display are used boats prepared down to the last detail in a wide variety of sizes and price ranges.

Another highlight of this year’s edition will be the live wrapping of a boat, which will be carried out during our exhibition by the company Luxury Yacht Wrapping. In addition, the Porsche Centre Zug will provide thrills with a mobile event unit and some exciting attractions. Among them is the new all-electric Macan. Furthermore, Marcel Hermann, a local young entrepreneur, will present his impressive wooden tables.

As usual, we also offer you a wide range of culinary delights on site. Our catering crew and the staff bar team look forward to welcoming you!


Vom 25. – 29. September 2024 in Friedrichshafen

Jedes Jahr verwandelt die INTERBOOT die Messehallen in eine aufregende Erlebniswelt für Wassersportliebhabende aller Art. Die Messe bietet eine breite Palette an Ausstellungen, die von Segel- und Motorbooten über Zubehör und Ausstattungen bis hin zu innovativen Technologien für den Wassersport reichen. Die entspannte Atmosphäre am Bodensee, gepaart mit der Leidenschaft für den Wassersport, macht die Interboot zu einem unvergesslichen Ereignis für alle Beteiligten. Deshalb freut es uns, dass wir in diesem Jahr wieder ein Teil dieser Ausstellung sind.

Wir werden vor Ort der folgenden Marken Modelle präsentieren:

Windy, Marex, Hydrolift und Bénéteau.

Zur Vereinbarung eines Besichtigungstermins stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter 041’619’18’88 und zur Verfügung.

Yachting Festival Cannes

Vom 10. – 15. September 2024 in Cannes

Auch in diesem Jahr findet an der französischen Riviera das bekannte «Cannes Yachting Festival» statt. Die Ausstellung bietet eine beeindruckende Plattform für die Präsentation von Luxusyachten, Motorbooten und Segelyachten, die sowohl neueste Technologien als auch exquisite Designs repräsentieren. Aussteller aus der ganzen Welt zeigen ihre neuesten Modelle und ziehen Fachbesucher sowie Liebhaber an.

Das Cannes Yachting Festival bietet eine beeindruckende Auswahl von 700 Booten, die eine Länge von 5 bis 50 Metern haben. Die Ausstellung ist so gestaltet, dass alle Boote bis zu 10 Metern Länge an Land präsentiert werden, was den Besuchern die Möglichkeit gibt, die Details und das Design dieser Booten aus nächster Nähe zu betrachten. Für die Boote, die über 10 Meter lang sind, findet die Präsentation im Wasser statt, sodass man die Boote und Yachten in ihrem natürlichen Element erlebt.

Aus unserem Portfolio werden die folgenden Marken vor Ort sein:

Windy, Marex, Four Winns, Bénéteau und Marian.

Zur Vereinbarung eines Besichtigungstermins stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter 041’619’18’88 und zur Verfügung.

Big news from Marian!

Together with the German family-owned company ABT Sportsline, Marian presents the M 800-R. It is a true powerhouse that combines the highest performance and exclusive design. With up to 450 kW of power and an impressive top speed of 85 km/h, it offers an unforgettable sailing experience on the water. The M 800-R is built in a limited edition of only 20 units and thus shines with the same exclusivity as the ABT vehicles. Marian and ABT Sportsline is a powerful union of two family businesses with a common vision: two pioneers, united by their passion for craftsmanship, innovation and technological progress.

Find out more

140 years of Bénéteau

The traditional French brand Beneteau is celebrating its 140th anniversary this year!

Beneteau has been synonymous with model diversity and passion in the nautical world since 1884. We are happy to be a proud partner of this great manufacturer. For more information on the Beneteau models, as well as our corresponding product range, please visit the following link:

Find out more

Spring exhibition from 27. & April 28, 2024

From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Start the 2024 boating season with us!

Discover a variety of new and attractive used boats from 6 to 12 meters in length! Particular attention will be paid to the premieres of the impressive Windy 29 Huracán and the Windy 40 Camira RS. These boats promise innovation, first-class design and the typical Scandinavian quality paired with breathtaking performance.

In addition, you can explore almost the entire Marex and Windy model ranges, as well as select models from the Four Winns, Parker, Marian, Beneteau, Hydrolift and Nordkapp brands.

As usual, our team is at your disposal with competent advice on all aspects of water sports. In addition, you can expect other exhibitors, test drives with BMW vehicles and enjoyable catering to round off the exhibition weekend.

We look forward to seeing you in Stansstad!

Windy 29 Huracán

Die Windy 29 Huracán ist das neueste aufregende Mitglied der stetig wachsenden High-End-Sportbootfamilie von Windy.

Besonders erwähnenswert ist dabei das modulare Design der Cockpitsitze, das sich im gesamten Schiff wiederfindet. Die Tiefe der Sitzfläche macht das Sitzen äusserst bequem – mit einem guten Mass an natürlicher Dämpfung sowie verstellbarer Rückenlehne zur Erweiterung der Liegefläche. Die 29 Huracán verfügt über eine gelungene Ergonomie des Steuerstands sowie ein vielseitiges Cockpit mit Bimini- und Regenverdecklösung.

Mit dem durchdachten Design und der hellen, luftigen Kabinenausstattung ist dieser hochleistungsfähige Daycruiser ein wahres Highlight. Dank dem großzügigen Einfall von natürlichem Licht durch die Oberlichter der Kabine und die umliegenden Seitenfenster sowie den clever versteckten Stauräumen entsteht ein angenehmes Gefühl von Geräumigkeit im Innenraum.

Freuen Sie sich auf einen eleganten Daycruiser mit exzellenten Fahreigenschaften, der sowohl Luxus als auch Sportlichkeit verkörpert.

Gerne begrüssen wir Sie zur Weltpremiere der Huracán im Rahmen der ‘’boot’’ in Düsseldorf (20.01.-28.01.2024).

Für weitere Auskünfte zum Boot sowie der Premiere stehen wir Ihnen gerne telefonisch oder per Mail zur Verfügung.

21. & 22 October, Presentation of the 2024 Novelties and Autumn Exhibition

From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Kanalstrasse 15 in 6362 Stansstad

After the season is before the season!
We are pleased to present you the novelties of the 2024 season.

The focus is on the premiere of the first FIM 340 Regina, the new Italian shipyard caused quite a sensation at this year’s exhibition in Cannes. The 340 Regina, for its part, impresses with a variable cockpit layout and a light-flooded cabin.
In addition, almost the complete model series of Marex and Windy as well as selected models of the brands Hydrolift, Four Winns, Parker, Marian, Beneteau and Nordkapp can be discovered.
As usual, our team will be happy to offer you expert advice on our new and used boats as well as the upcoming winter storage.
The Rutishauser boat upholstery presents its skills on the basis of sample pieces and is available to answer questions about its craft. In addition, the Electric Test Drive by Hammer Auto Center enables test drives with electric vehicles from various manufacturers. The team at Auto Center Hammer is looking forward to introducing you to the advantages of electric mobility.
The event is rounded off by enjoyable catering and our staff bar.
We look forward to seeing you in Stansstad!

Hydrolift – NEW with us!

Innovation, design and performance are the foundation for every single model of Hydrolift. With its origins in the construction of offshore boats, the Hydrolift team knows exactly what it takes to design a hull that guarantees the owner a high degree of comfort and stability even in rough water. As one of the last Scandinavian manufacturers, Hydrolift still produces exclusively in Norway.
The versatility of Hydrolift is reflected not only in the model portfolio but also in each individual boat. The focus on building stylish and functional boats, which also convince with flexible solutions, is something that Hydrolift succeeds in like no other boat brand.
Visit our large exhibition and see for yourself!

Storage boats

Yachting Festival Cannes

Vom 12. bis 17. September 2023 im Vieux Port

Die Ausstellung mitten im Hafen von Cannes gilt als jene Messe mit dem schönsten Flair.

Jedes Jahr bietet das Yachting Festival ein vielseitiges Angebot von fast 700 Booten von 5 bis 50 Metern Länge, die an Land bis zu einer Länge von weniger als 10 Metern und auf dem Wasser ab 10 Metern präsentiert werden.

Die Hersteller nutzen die Messe, um ihre Neuheiten zu präsentieren. Dieses Jahr werden dies unter anderem die Windy 40 Camira und die Marex 440 Gourmet Cruiser sein. Uns finden Sie an den Ständen von Windy, Marex, Beneteau und Marian.

Unsere Hausmarken werden folgende Modelle präsentieren.

– 34 Alizè
– SR44 Blackhawk
– 37 Shamal
– 40 Camira

– 310 Sun Cruiser
– 330 Scandinavia
– 360 Cabriolet Cruiser
– 440 Gourmet Cruiser

– Gran Turismo 41
– Gran Turismo 45
– Swift Trawler 41
– Swift Trawler 48
– Grand Trawler 62
– Antares 11
– Flyer 10

– M800 Spyder

Zur Vereinbarung eines Besichtigungstermins stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter 041’619’18’88 und zur Verfügung.

Large spring exhibition from 29. & April 30, 2023

Start the boat season 2023 together with us!
Various new and a variety of attractive second-hand boats from 6 to 12 meters are ready for you! The focus is on the premiere of our new Hydrolift boats. The Norwegian brand combines innovation, design and the typical Scandinavian boatbuilding quality with concentrated performance. The first models have already arrived and are ready for viewing.
In addition, almost the complete model series of Marex and Windy as well as selected models of the brands Four Winns, Parker, Marian, Beneteau and Nordkapp can be discovered.
As usual, our team will be happy to provide you with competent advice on all questions relating to water sports. Further co-exhibitors, BMW test drives and enjoyable catering round off the exhibition weekend.
We look forward to seeing you in Stansstad from 10’00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.!

The Windy 34 Alizé is here!

From now on you can see the new Windy 34 Alizé in our exhibition in Stansstad. As the successor to the best-selling Windy, the 34/35 Khamsin, expectations were correspondingly high. The first tests have shown that the Alizé has everything it needs to be as successful as its predecessor. See for yourself and come by.

Click here for the advertisement

The next generation of chartplotters

Q Experience promises a whole new generation of chartplotters. An intuitive operation as well as modern layouts reminiscent of smartphones should make the use a pleasure. A milestone is the direct Internet connection, which is established via SIM card and opens up completely new possibilities. We are happy to explain the advantages of the Scandinavian Q Experience plotters in our exhibition using a 12” display.

Manufacturer Website

”boot” Düsseldorf 2023

After two corona-related cancellations, the largest indoor boat show in the world can be held again. We will be happy to welcome you from 21 to 28 January 2023 at the stands of Marex, Marian and Beneteau. All three manufacturers will exhibit their usual versatile model portfolio as well as some model updates. To arrange a viewing appointment, we are at your disposal both by phone and via

We look forward to welcoming you in Düsseldorf.

Yachting Festival Cannes

From 6 to 11 September 2022 at Vieux Port

The exhibition in the middle of the port of Cannes is considered the fair with the most beautiful flair.

Various manufacturers use this frame to present their latest litters. So it is hardly surprising that Windy also chose the exhibition in Cannes to present the new Windy 34 Alizé.

In addition to Windy, you will also find us at the stands of Marex, Beneteau and Marian.

Our house brands will present the following models.

– 34 Alizè
– SR44 SX
– SLR/SR60

-310 Sun Cruiser
-330 Scandinavia
-360 Cabriolet Cruiser

– Gran Turismo 32 OB
– Gran Turismo 36
– Gran Turismo 41
– Gran Turismo 45
– Swift Trawler 41
– Swift Trawler 48
– Grand Trawler 62
– Antares 11 Fly
– Flyer 9 SUNdeck

– M800
– M800 Spyder

To arrange a viewing appointment, we are at your disposal at 041’619’18’88 and

22. and October 23. Presentation 2023 Novelties and Autumn Exhibition

This year’s presentation of the 2023 novelties and autumn exhibition is also all about the At the second edition of the large boat exhibition around Lake Lucerne, various well-known shipyards in Central Switzerland will once again open their doors and hatches.

For our part, we are especially looking forward to celebrating the premiere of the new Windy 34 Alizè with you. The Alizé is the long-awaited successor to the Windy 35 Khamsin. To put it in the words of Windy, considerable efforts have been made to optimize the design in terms of layout, ergonomics and, last but not least, performance. The result is a crisp and clear design that confirms Windy’s long-established position as a European trendsetter in the field of sport cruisers.

Four Winns has also been working intensively on new models in recent months. Thus, the complete lineup of horizon models has been revised. Discover three models from the newly launched H-line, in addition to the H1 and the H2, an H4 is also waiting to be visited.

From our other house brands Marex, Parker, Beneteau and Marian more numerous new boats are presented. These are flanked by second-hand boats of all sizes and price ranges.

Our event is rounded off with the usual versatile Migros catering, various boot gadgets and accessories from Sin6 by Policelli as well as the Vovo Roadshow which is presented by the Auto Center Hammer.

We look forward to your visit and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the exhibits.

Opening hours from 10’00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Marex 330 Scandinavia wins Power Boat Award 2022

Marex has done it again! The 330 Scandinavia wins the ”Power Boat of the Year” award under 40 feet. The new litter was also praised in the foreign press and also won the prestigious BOB Award (Best of Boats) in November 2021 in Berlin. This is the fourth time that Marex has won the “European Powerboat of the Year” and is now one of the most awarded boat manufacturers in Europe. The Marex 330 Scandinavia is available from us as a new boat – come by and let yourself be enchanted!

Click here for the test video

30.04. & 01.05.2022 Spring exhibition in Stansstad

After a two-year break, we are pleased to launch the new season again with our traditional spring exhibition. On the weekend of 30.04. and 01.05.2022 we welcome you together with our partners at the shipyard in Stansstad. You can look forward to the usual diverse portfolio of new and second-hand boats as well as accessories and delicious catering. More information will follow.

Appeal to private boat owners: refrain from excursions on the lakes

Dear boat owners, we ask you to take note of the following media release of the Central Switzerland Police Corps and to refrain from boating under the given circumstances.

Press release of the Central Swiss Police Corps:

Due to the high water levels of the lakes, the Central Swiss police corps ask private boaters to refrain from excursions. Waves can further exacerbate the situations at facilities and properties close to the shore.

As is well known, lakes and watercourses in the cantons of Central Switzerland have risen sharply due to the heavy rainfall. For many waters, the danger level 5 applies (very high danger) and in many places the water has already overflowed its banks. On the lakes, most shipping companies have ceased operations. Waves can flood the water with other parts of the shore, causing additional damage to properties and facilities. Furthermore, floating jetties can be damaged by additional waves. For these reasons, the Central Swiss Police Corps are asking private boaters, also with a view to the coming weekend, to generally refrain from driving. For really necessary trips, care must be taken to keep the impact of the waves as minim as possible.

Further information to the population
• Do not engage in “disaster tourism”! Do not put themselves in areas of damage and thus in unnecessary danger to take pictures.
• Stay away from bodies of water, especially watercourses, because staying in the area of rivers and streams is extremely dangerous.
• Follow the instructions of the emergency services.
• Do not go to basements or underground garages if there is a risk of flooding.
• Do not drive vehicles through flooded roads.

Discover our new brochure!

Learn more about Hochmuth Bootsbau AG.
In our brochure you can expect a varied overview of our representations and services. Furthermore, you will find information about our locations and the values with which we want to serve our valued customers on a daily basis.

Click here for the online version of the brochure

23. and 24 October, News 2022 Presentation and exhibition

About two years after our last in-house exhibition, we can finally welcome you back to an exhibition at the shipyard in Stansstad.

This year’s 2022 novelties presentation and exhibition is all about the first edition of let’s ( ). So open on weekends from 23. and 24 October, from 10’00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., numerous Central Swiss shipyards have their doors, gates and hatches. It offers you an exciting cross-section of all well-known brands.

A visit to us in Stansstad is particularly worthwhile, three premieres await you!

First of all, our e-boats from Austria. With the Marian M800, the flagship is also immediately ready to be admired by you. Mr. Alex Marian is at your disposal for information on concentrated technology throughout the weekend.

We also celebrate the premiere of the Windy SR28. The ”smallest” of the SR line convinces with a center steering position, spacious cabin and extremely versatile cockpit layout. Optionally even with T-Top, in the style of your big sisters SR44 and SR52.

Marex delivers the third premiere with the 330 Scandinavia. We are the first dealer to present the latest litter from Norway to our customers. Based on the 375, it offers the same concept incl. closed saloon with sliding door and large cockpit seating area at only 9.99m (short bathing platform) or 10.49m (long bathing platform). With various options, it is recommended as a perfect year-round boat.

Behind the scenes, the preparation of numerous new used boats is already in full swing. So you can look forward to an exciting range of well-maintained used boats of all sizes and price ranges.

Your visit will be rounded off with the presentation of new boot gadgets and accessories as well as the Volvo Roadshow, take the opportunity and discover the latest models of the Swedish car manufacturer. Another highlight is the ice hockey swiss champion EV Zug. So we have the honor to exhibit the official championship trophy, in addition to which on Saturday at 14’00 clock also an autograph session with hockey cracks is on the program.
Our culinary offer on site is also as varied as usual, so our catering team is also looking forward to your visit.

Come by and dream with us of the 2022 season.

Note: The 3G rules apply throughout the site.

Your Hochmuth Bootsbau AG Crew

Permanent exhibition! – also on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

We would also like to welcome you on Saturdays from 09’00 to 12’00 to visit our new and occasional boats.
Come and we look forward to your visit!

We are grateful to you via a short phone call – before or on arrival.
You can reach us at: 041 619 18 88

Find out more

CANCELLATION – News 2021 and Autumn Exhibition 10./11.10.2020

Appreciated customers, prospects, co-organizers and friends

In the middle of the preparations and full of anticipation for the upcoming exhibition weekend from 10. and 11 October 2020, we will be confronted directly with the currently increasing Covid19 case numbers.

Unfortunately, due to a positive Covid19 test result from Thursday 8 October 2020, from the nearby shipyard environment, we have to cancel the exhibition without replacement. As we can enjoy visitors and interested parties from all parts of Switzerland as part of our annual in-house exhibitions, we are not responsible for holding the event for reasons mentioned above.

With this decision, we would like to actively reduce the Virus contribute and thank you for your understanding.

Thank you and stay healthy!

Your crew of Hochmuth Bootsbau AG

Find out more

Windy 37 Shamal

The hotly anticipated successor of the 35 Khamsin closes the gap between the 32 Grand Zonda and the 39 Camira, for the first time the design of the pen originated by yacht designer Espen Oino. You can look forward to a luxurious and practical Daycruiser with great bimini-top solution and excellent driving characteristics.

Find out more

Our course in dealing with COVID-19

Dear clientele, esteemed partners

We follow the recommendations of the Federal Council and reserve the right to continuously adapt our handling of COVID-19 to the current circumstances in order to protect our employees and you as a valued customer/partner.

As of January/February:

Visits only by telephone pre-registration. We are also happy to answer your questions by phone or e-mail. For detailed recordings of your desired boat, we are also available via video telephony.

Office and reception:
Visits only by telephone pre-registration. We will be happy to receive your wishes and suggestions by phone or e-mail.

The workshop operation continues as usual in camera.

Our team would like to thank you for your consideration and wishes you and your favorite best health. May summer 2020 compensate for the current situation with plenty of sun and warm days.

Your crew of Hochmuth Bootsbau AG

”Night of boats” 26 June 2020

From 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., we will welcome you with apero and cool drinks to the official Swiss premiere of the Windy 37 Shamal and the Beneteau Gran Tursimo 32. The two ”new arrivals” will be flanked by our versatile portfolio of new boats from the brands Windy, Marex, Four Winns, Beneteau, Parker, Nordkapp and Sting.

In addition, a variety of professionally prepared occasional boats from 6m to 13m await you.

Come and discover with us the great features of the two premieres as well as other great offers for immediately available new and occasions boats.

We look forward to your visit!

Find out more

NEW: E-boats expand our portfolio

A clear commitment to sustainable energy in order to send a signal for tomorrow as early as today. With this drive, the pronounced attention to detail and the high quality standards, Marian manufactures luxurious electric boats in St. Wolfgang on the lake of the same name. The family business is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Reason enough to gain a foothold in Switzerland as well. With the presentation of the Marian M800 as part of our autumn exhibition in October 2021, we launched our cooperation. Come and discover the latest technology paired with pure elegance. We are also happy to provide you with exciting brochure material in advance. We look forward to hearing from you.

Read here the exciting newspaper report of the Luzerner Zeitung on the Marian M800.

To the newspaper report

Long awaited… the Marex 360 CC

The extremely large and spacious cockpit of the Marex 360 Cabriolet Cruiser is unparalleled in the under 40foot class. The implementation of the well-known Marex roof and deck solution resulted in a very versatile cruiser with a large pantry in the cockpit and luxurious cabin with berths for 4 people.
She was unsurprisingly nominated for the Best of Boats Award at the Yachting Festival in Cannes.

We would be pleased to welcome you to visit the Marex in our showroom in Stansstad.
We look forward to seeing you!